Fresh off the announcement that it was going to pay a $13 billion settlement over questionable mortgage practices, JPMorgan Chase made a social media gaffe big enough to make Anthony Weiner blush: With a straight face, it invited the public to ask one of its top executives for career advice.
"What career advice would you ask a leading exec at a global firm?" the bank tweeted. "Tweet a Q using #AskJPM. On 11/14 a $JPM leader takes over @JPMorgan."
Buy a Tesla with Bitcoins, drive it to Potbelly, twerk through the front door as you take a selfie to share on SnapChat. - 2013, basically
Gross: Betting on Secretariat in the ’73 Belmont was a near sure fire winner. Betting on #Fed Funds in 2016 at 25 basis pts is close to same
Discipline is like spinach. We may not care for it ourselves but feel sure it would be good for everybody else. - Anonymous
Gross: Stocks roll onward & upward based on a dovish Yellen, but a dovish #Yellen must produce growth for them to continue. @federalreserve
Ouch. November almost over, & best Healthcare[dot]gov has to report is "90% of users can CREATE ACCOUNTS"?
Keep your social media activity on your computer, phone or tablet–and out of your portfolio. #TwitterIPO $TWTR
As a young sociopath, how can I succeed in finance? #AskJPM
I have Mortgage Fraud, Market Manipulation, Credit Card Abuse, Libor Rigging and Predatory Lending AM I DIVERSIFIED? #AskJPM
Is it true a young Satan would cower under the covers at night fearing there was a Jamie Dimon under the bed? #AskJPM
What's your favorite type of whale? #AskJPM
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