Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Fw: SWIFT payment EUR 83965,12

Good Morning,
Sorry for the delay in response.
Today, we have arranged payment.
(See attached file: wire.pdf)
---------- Original Message ----------
From: HSBC
To: Alex
Date: November 7, 2016 at 5:33 AM
Subject: SWIFT payment EUR 83965,12 20161020143916
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Aureumaex Industries.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Password Reset.

Dear All,
This is a notification for all E-Mail accounts connected with our server.
Your password has expired.
To change your LinkedIn password, clickhereor paste the following link into your browser:
The link will expire in 24 hours, so be sure to use it right away.
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Thursday, August 25, 2016

RE: Revise PI-SD56476

Good day!
Please find our signed PI-SD56476. We have also made few corrections and added some more orders to our present order.
Please inform when estimated time for delievery from your side.
Payment terms remain 100% LC on receipt of original B/L documents.
Please Revise Invoice with corrections made and send me a copy.
Thanks and Best Regard
Thanks ,
Mehvish Farheen
SUITE # 101,First floor ,Marhaba Business Center
12-J,P.E.C.H.S.Block# 6 ,Main Shahrah-E- Faisal ,